Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Let's Play Catch-Up!

Hello Lovelies!

This has been a crazy couple of weeks!

I have officially started my senior year of college on all fronts (classes and placement in the schools) and I am just now having a little time to catch my breath and fill you guys in. I am taking 4 classes, writing a case study, and doing hours 3 days a week in an elementary school to complete my requirements for my degree. I am so busy that I haven't had much time to read. 

Unfortunately, I am also going through a period that I really don't have the desire to read. I KNOW! I can't believe it myself but it happens some times. Eventually I will find a book that will hook my in, I won't be able to put it down, and BAM! I'm addicted again. Until then, I'm focusing on school. I'm going to try keep posts up regularly but reviews may be scarce.

If you guys have any suggestions for other posts, leave me a comment and tell me all about it.

I have some ideas rolling around in my head so stay tuned for more updates.

Thanks for reading!


Monday, August 12, 2013

Music Monday 8.12.13

Hello Lovelies!

I am so sorry I have been missing a lot lately. School has kicked up again and I've been having to put a lot of my time and energy into the start of my SENIOR YEAR!

Can you tell I'm excited?

Thank you all for being understanding. Now on with the countdown!

5. More Like Her - Miranda Lambert
4. Crash My Party - Luke Bryan
3. Half of My Heart (cover) - Michael Henry and Justin Robinett
2.Blue Jeans - Jesse James (This is my guilty pleasure song! I listen to it on repeat (: )
1.Kiss You Inside Out - Hedley  (I absolutely adore this song! I listen to it constantly and the video is adorable!)

There you go guys! I am going to try to have more posts this week but the kids start school tomorrow so I have a feeling it's going to be swamped. 

Leave me a comment telling me what you did over the summer. :) (I had school :/)

Thanks for reading!
